Glass fiber filter, pore size 1.5 µm, 47 mm diameter, 100 pieces

Številka izdelka: 253000
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These filters are recommended for use in Standard Methods 2540 C, 2540 D,and 2540 E.

Optimized surface characteristics of this binderless borosilicate glass microfiber filter eliminates pin-holing and fiber-shedding to ensure consistent, accurate results comparable to 934-AH® brand filters. Fast flow rate, fine porosity and 1.5 µm particle retention makes the TSS Filter the preferred choice of environmental chemists for total suspended solids analysis of water and wastewater. These filters can withstand temperatures over 500°C which is an especially important feature for laboratories performing Fixed and Volatile Solids analysis of water and wastewater.←934-AH is a registered trademark of Whatman, Inc./GE Healthcare.