HQ40D Digital multi meter kit, pH Gel electrode, Std., 1m


HQ40D Digital multi meter kit, pH Gel electrode, Std., 1m
Številka izdelka: HQ40D.99.101000


Outstanding reliability and simple handling

Versatile electrodes for all applications, e.g. wastewater, drinking water, process water

Reliable results from inaccessible measurement locations and over long distances - even for pH

Error-free O2 results - without calibration or replacing the electrolyte

Full GLP data management

Vsebina paketa

Meter package includes HQ40D Portable Meter; 4 AA batteries; Power adapter, USB/DC power adapter for data transfer; PHC101 Laboratory Gel pH Electrode, 1 m cable; quick-start guide and user manuals; Standard Field case; Protective Glove for Portable HQD Meter; 120 mL Sample Container (x5); Singlet pH 4 & 7 Buffer pouches 10 of each


AC in USB delovanje: Included
Delovna sporočila o napakah: Clear text error messages displayed
Delovni pogoji: relativna vlažnost zraka: 90 % relative humidity (non-condensing)
Delovni pogoji: temperatura: 0 - 60 °C (32 - 140 °F)
Delovni vmesnik: Soft Touch Keypad
Določen izbor pufrov: Color-coded: 4.01, 7.00, 10.01 pH;
IUPAC: 1.679, 4.005, 7.000, 10.012, 12.45
DIN: 1.09, 4.65, 9.23
User-defined custom buffer sets
Funkcija zaklepanje zaslona: Continuous / Auto-stabilization ("press to read") / At Interval
Garancija: 36 mesecev
GLP značilnosti: Date; Time; Sample ID; Operator ID
Inštrument: Portable
IP ocena ohišja: IP67
ISE direktno merjenje: Yes
ISE kalibracija elektrode: 2 to 5 Points
Izvoz podatkov: Download via USB connection to PC or flash memory device. Automatically transfer entire data log or as readings are taken.
jeziki: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Danish, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Turkish, Swedish, Czech, Russian
Merilna metoda: Probe specific programmed method settings
Meritev barometričnega tlaka: Automatic compensation of DO when using an LDO or LBOD probe
Meritev DO: 0.1 to 20.0 mg/L (ppm) 1 to 200% saturation
Meritev slanosti: 0 - 42 (ppt) (‰)
Meritev temperature: °C or °F
Meritve prevodnosti: 0.01 µS/cm - 200.0 mS/cm
Meritve prevodnosti: popravek temperature: None; Linear; NaCl Non-Linear Natural Water.
Meritve prevodnosti pri stabilnem branju: Yes
Merjenje upornosti: 2,5 Ωcm - 49 MΩcm
Model: HQ40D – Multi/2 Channels
mV meritev : -1500 - 1500 mV
mV meritev pri stabilnem odčitavanju: Yes
mV resolucija: 0.1 mV
Natančnost prevodnosti: ± 0.5 in (1µS/cm - 200mS/cm) range
Needed Cable Length: 1
Obseg dobave: Meter package includes HQ40D Portable Meter; 4 AA batteries; Power adapter, USB/DC power adapter for data transfer; PHC101 Laboratory Gel pH Electrode, 1 m cable; quick-start guide and user manuals; Standard Field case; Protective Glove for Portable HQd Meter; 120 mL Sample Container (x5); Singlet™ pH 4 & 7 Buffer pouches 10 of each
Parameter: pH/Oxydo Reduction Potential (ORP)
Conductivity/Total Dissolved Solid (TDS)/Salinity/Resistivity
Dissolved Oxygen (DO)
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)
Ion Selective Electrode (ISE): Ammonia, Ammonium, Chloride, Fluoride, Nitrate, Sodium
Parameters: pH

PC data transfer software : HQD Series Meter Data Transfer Utility
pH Electrode calibration: 1 - 3 Calibration points
Calibration summary data logged and displayed
pH Measurement Range: 0 - 14 pH
pH resolucija: Možnost izbire med 0.001 - 0.1 pH
Pomnilnik/hranjenje podatkov: 500 records/FIFO
Pomnilnik podatkov: Automatic, GLP ISO compliant reading data stored with batteriescalibration details.
Posebni kalibracijski standardi: Yes
Potrdila o skladnosti: CE.WEEE
Printer: Yes, Optional
Resolucija DO: 0.1
Resolucija prevodnosti: 0.01 µS/cm - 0.1 mS/cm upon selected measuring range
Salinity resolution: 0.01 (ppt) (‰)
Samodejno prepoznavanje pufra: Yes
Sensor A: PHC10101 (1 m)
Sensor B: NA
Sensor C: NA
Sensors: Sensor A: PHC10101
Sensor B: NA
Sensor C:
Sestava: No
Set?: Da
Simultaneous measurements: Yes, 2 channels
Sonde vključene: PHC10101
TDS meritve: 0,0 - 50,0 mg/L
TDS resolucija: 0.01 mg/L up - 0.1 g/L upon measuring range
Temperaturna kompenzacija: Samodejna temperaturna kompenzacija za pH
Temperaturna natančnost: ± 0.3 °C
Temperaturna resolucija: 0,1 °C
Teža: 372 g (0.75 lb) without batteries; 430 g (0.95 lb) with batteries
Type of measurement: Field Measurements
Umeritev DO elektrode: * 100% (water-saturated air (100%) calibration
* 100% with 0 (water-saturated air (100%) calibration with 0 point
* mg/L (calibration with a specified dissolved oxygen concentration (mg/L) solution)
* mg/L with 0 (calibration with a specified dissolved oxygen concentration (mg/L) solution with 0 point)
* Factory (calibration with the default LDO calibration)
Umeritev elektrode CDC: Demal (1D/ 0.1D/ 0.01D);
Molar (0.1M/ 0.01M/0.001M);
NaCl (0.05%; 25µS/cm; 1000µS/cm; 18mS/cm);
Standard sea water;
User defined
Umeritveni intervali/alarmi/opomniki: Izklopljeno, izbira od 2 uri do 7 dni
Umerjenje ORP elektrode: Predefined ORP standards (including Zobell's solution)
Vhodi: 2
Vrsta sonde: Intellical Digital SMART Standard Laboratory or Rugged Field
Vrsta zaslona: 240 x 160 pixel LCD with batteriesbacklight illumination
Vsebina paketa: Meter package includes HQ40D Portable Meter; 4 AA batteries; Power adapter, USB/DC power adapter for data transfer; PHC101 Laboratory Gel pH Electrode, 1 m cable; quick-start guide and user manuals; Standard Field case; Protective Glove for Portable HQD Meter; 120 mL Sample Container (x5); Singlet pH 4 & 7 Buffer pouches 10 of each
Zaslon: LCD (osvetlitev iz ozadja): Detailed mode/Large mode