Four relays output; type: not powered SPDT relays, each rated at 5 A resistive, 240 V AC maximum or
Connection: 18 to 14 AWG wire, 18 AWG stranded recommended
Pure water / Power
CE (EN 61326-1: 2006; EN 61010-1: 2010; EN 60529: 1991, +A1:2000 )
KC (EN 61326-1: 2006)
C-tick (EN 61326-1: 2006)
cETLus (UL 61010-1: 2012; NEMA 250: 2003; CSA C22.2 No 61010-1: 2012)
Delovna temperatura:
5 - 45 °C
Delovna vlažnost:
5 - 95 % relative humidity, non-condensing (indoor use only)
Dimenzija (v x š x g):
804 mm x 452 mm x 360 mm
Frekvenca (Hz):
50/60 Hz
4 - 20 mA
Jeziki v navodilih za uporabo:
English, French, Spanish, B. Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese,
Korean, Thai, German, Italian, C. Portuguese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Polish, Swedish, Finnish, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Romanian, Lithuanian, Russian, Turkish, Slovak, Slovenian, Croatian, Greek, Estonian
Meja zaznavanja:
LR model: 4 µg/L
HR model: 200 µg/L
Merilno načelo:
Merilno območje:
LR model: 4-3000 µg/L as PO4 [Detection range capable of 4 - 5000 µg/L as PO4]
HR model: 200-50'000 µg/L as PO4
Način montaže:
Wall, panel or table
Napetost (V):
100 - 240 V AC, 24 V DC
LR model: ±4 µg/L or ±4% of reading, whichever is greater;
HR model: ±500 µg/L or ±5% of reading, whichever is greater
Odzivni čas :
Стандартно, 9,5 минути при 25 °C (77 °F); променящо се според температурата
Pogoji skladiščenja:
-20 - 60 °C
LR model: ±1%
HR model: ±500 µg/L or ±5% of reading, whichever is greater
Poraba reagenta:
2 L of each reagent every 90 days with 15 minute cycle time
Pretok vzorca:
55 - 300 mL/min
Razred zaščite:
Four; type: not powered SPDT relays, each rated at 5 A resistive, 240 VAC maximum
Št. kanalov:
1, 2, 4; programmable sequence
Stopnja onesnaženosti:
Stopnja pretoka:
Sample line and sample bypass drain: 6 mm (¼-in.)
Air purge inlet: 6 mm (¼-in.) Chemical and case drains: 9.5 mm (3/8-in.)
Svetlobni vir:
Class 1M LED (light emitting diode) with a peak
wavelength of 810 nm
Temperatura vzorca:
5 - 50 °C
20 kg without reagents and standards, 36.3 kg with reagents
Vzorec: tlak:
0.14 - 6 bar (to preset pressure regulator)
Zajem vzorca:
Grab Sample In and Grab Sample Out capability
Zaščita ohišja:
IP56 / NEMA 4X
Združljivost kontrolnih enot:
SC Controller